The She-Bear is a female grizzly bear. The Bear is enamored of her and sometimes goes out of his way to impress her. The first time she rebuffed him in favor of the Black Bear, only to realize how self-absorbed he is. Another time, she turned her nose up at the Bear’s classical guitar playing as she preferred more modern music.[6] Even so, the She-Bear usually opens up to the Bear, such as the time she agreed to have a dinner with him, and she is sometimes kind to Masha, such as giving her a fashion magazine, helping to train her for her tennis match against the Black Bear, and helping her learn to ice-skate.
Dasha is Masha’s cousin from Moscow, who looks like Masha, but is more “ladylike”, has platinum-blonde hair and blue eyes (Masha’s are green), wears boxy blue-rimmed glasses and an orange dress. She is afraid of the Bear and calls him “Shaggy”, “Monster” and “Beast”.[7] She is voiced by Alina Kukushkina.
Panda is a panda cub and the Bear’s young cousin from China. He and Masha are rivals, often bickering every time he comes for a visit, but they occasionally get along and have fun together.
Whiskers n’ Stripes
A Siberian tiger who is Bear’s best friend from their days performing together in the Moscow circus.
The Black Bear
A Himalayan black bear, who is Bear’s worst enemy and Bear’s chief rival for the attentions of the She-Bear. The Black Bear has an arrogant and unsportsmanlike personality, cheating to win against Masha in a tennis game, and laughing at her when she grows gigantic. Bear’s biggest fear is if Black Bear and She-Bear marry, which is shown in Game Over when Bear imagines what will happen if he plays games his whole life.
An Adélie penguin that first appears in “The Foundling”, as an egg that Masha finds and makes the Bear hatch. The Penguin quickly imprints on the Bear as his parental-figure and the Bear forms a sincere bond with him, but chooses to send the Penguin to live in Antarctica for his own health.[8] Even so, they stay in touch and the Penguin once visited.
Ded Moroz (fig. Grandfather Frost)
A Russian version of Santa Claus (from Russian fairy tales) who appears in Christmas-themed episodes.
Four-eyed aliens
A trio of alien specimens who accidentally crashed on Earth, they were helped by Bear and Masha to get back to their spaceship.

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