Moksha Badarayan felt a companion was essential for her dog, Jadzia, affectionately known as Zia. She decided that a dog companion would be the perfect addition and began perusing dog adoption websites to find a suitable match.

Her attention was captivated by a photo of a small black and white puppy named Ansel. “He looked adorable,” Badarayan recounted. “So sweet.”

In early 2023, Ansel, merely 9 weeks old, suffered severe injuries while roaming the streets. Rescuers discovered him with a painful wound encircling his neck. Although Ansel received the necessary medical attention, the trauma lingered, causing him to tremble and cower in the presence of people.

Zach Skow of Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue took Ansel under his wing, providing foster care to help him regain confidence and security. Gradually, the timid pup learned to trust again, exhibiting comfort in Skow’s home by playfully stealing slippers and leaping onto the couch.

However, Ansel’s most significant transformation was still ahead.

In June 2023, Badarayan adopted Ansel, renaming him Phoenix as a symbol of his dark past transitioning into a bright future. Initially, Phoenix and Zia merely “tolerated each other,” according to Badarayan. But that dynamic rapidly evolved.

“Zia would show him things,” Badarayan said. “She would walk around, and he would follow her.”

With guidance from Badarayan and her boyfriend, Chris Alvarado, Phoenix overcame his fear of the doggy door, eventually embracing it enthusiastically.

“He’d go in and out,” Badarayan shared. “We kept hearing the doggy door go. He was practicing.”

Soon, Phoenix felt completely at ease in his new home. The once-frightened street pup had undergone a remarkable transformation, becoming an exuberant and adventurous dog.

“He was just a fun little puppy, jumping around all over the place,” Badarayan described. “So much enthusiasm for life. He wanted to do everything and try everything and climb everything.”

Phoenix and Zia’s bond strengthened, with playful antics becoming a daily occurrence.

“They are notorious for ‘going at things’ together,” Badarayan noted. “They will tear toys apart. One will take one end, and the other will take the other end, and they will have a field day.”

Zia played a crucial role in Phoenix’s evolution into a “happy-go-lucky” dog, but the transformation was mutual.

“Zia was quiet and sort of reserved and meek,” Badarayan explained. “And Phoenix really got her to come out of her shell more, which is what we were really going for.”

Although Badarayan initially anticipated Phoenix staying a similar size to Zia, who is around 9 pounds, Phoenix grew to be 16 pounds. Yet, their size difference didn’t hinder their friendship.

“As he kept growing, I was a little worried,” Badarayan admitted. “But he’s very gentle. He’ll bring her toys, and if he’s pulling too hard, I can see him think, ‘Oh, oh, it’s too hard. OK, I’ll be gentle.’ And he will let her win sometimes.”

“I love watching him and Zia play and having a great time every day,” she added. “That was our main goal, and we’re reaching that goal right now.”

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